Sunday 31 January 2016

Alan Watts on death

There are several videos of Alan Watts on the web and I found particularly interesting the ones about death. It is seen as something natural and as part of the circle of life. We live in a society where we hide death and repress the idea of it, we do not want to talk and think about it. We indulge ourselves in any kind of consumism to avoid the anguish of death. We even think we can progress technologically to the point that we defeat death and become immortal. However, why cannot we think that death is part of the low of nature and that there is nothing wrong with it? We have to live space for others. Moreover, even if we will not have consciousness of ourselves anymore, and we do not know about that for sure, our ideas, our energy, our atoms will still live. We are so attached to our ego that we are not able to let it go. But we are part of the whole and we have to prepare ourselves to embrace the mistery. If we take death as part of our life we would live better. Otherwise we risk to destroy humanity instead of becoming immortal! 

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