Saturday 24 January 2015

Community versus individualism

Nowadays we live in an atomized world where each of us is considered only an individual and not part of a community. We are only important as consumers. Instead we should re-discover the importance of our roots, the attachment to the land. However we should also bear in mind that communities can be stifling, rule-binding with little room for self expression. Will we be able to return to medium-small communities where there is solidarity and connection among people but also space for self emancipation? I think that is the best option in a world that tend to be more and more globalized.


  1. Hi, the return to medium-small communities could mean that we would travel less with less opportunities to meet people. Also we would not have the opportunity to live in a multicultural society.

    1. Hi, yes that might happen but it is not as bad as becoming like machines or destroying the planet.
