Tuesday 23 June 2009

A new life style

Nowadays humankind faces two big problems: global warming and excessive growth of population.
They are related to each other because more people means more resources used.
Unless we radically change our life style we are bound to end in a catastrophe.
We should consume less and should live in a way which is compatible with the resources available.
That could lead to less production, less goods available and maybe less jobs. But if well planned by the State it could mean that the same number of people work less hours.
We could all benefit from that, having more free time, enjoy a more relaxing life, re-discover the importance of Nature.
The price to pay is that we would probably have less means and goods available. Are we ready for that?
If not we may pay a bigger price, the destruction of our planet.
The second problem is that we live in an overpopulated planet and the figures are dramatically raising each year in Africa and Asia. Every day an increasing number of migrants try to reach Europe. In the long term it will be unbearable unless there is a better distribution of wealth and a birth control plan in the developing world.


  1. All very true.
    I like the sound of "work less hours" :-)

  2. Sono pienamente d'accordo, ben presto l'umanità dovrà attuare un piano per il controllo delle nascite.
    Questo argomento è considerato un tabù e viene rigettato culturalmente in quasi i paesi del mondo.
    Iniziare a parlare ora di questo e di altri problemi equilavale a lasciare un mondo migliore alle generazioni future.

    grazie alessandro per il tuo blog.

  3. Hello Ale,

    ''if well planned by the state'' you mean you preferred the central planning era and re-distribution of goods and workload? But we tried it once already. The reason it collapsed maybe the competitivness or greediness etc. that we naturally all have as humans? Anyway, considering now capitalism from this viewpoint seems closer to the nature and more distant from idealistic uthopies - as the strong survives by adopting and the weak will fall. Not a social state smoothening the differences between individuals.

    1. We need to decrease our consumption, economy must slow down if we do not want to destroy our planet and ourselves. However this could also cause unemployment in the short-term. That is why I say that passage from one economic system to a different one can only be done at central level to avoid chaos.
