Thursday, 14 May 2020

Eternal Instant

One second after another
Tic toc tic toc
Splitting the second to catch the instant
Keep splitting but it never ends
The process is infinite
I realize the eternal instant cannot be caught
I am in front of the abyss, the ocean of unknown, of the mystery
Words are missing
I peaceful surrender to it  

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Will of Power, Geopolitics, Europe

Man have got by nature the will of power, the pulsion to dominate and overpower, also as out of fear of being subdued.
This can be applied to nations as well. That's why empires subjugate other nations and cannot cease to be empires until they actually fall.
However there is a possibility to be balanced, neither to be dominated nor to overpower, to engage in the world without being too attached to it.
Therefore Europe could be a military superpower but with a role of mediator with welfare state and environmental friendly economy as common ground. A mix of solidarity and moral austerity instead of financial intransigence and debt accumulation for the sake of perpetual growth.
Mixed future generation could really feel being part of an European nation. However there would be no nation without a common language. What about Latinglish?      

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Life in time of coronavirus

Is this virus a product of a natural mutation or has been created in a laboratory? What would the lesson be on each scenario?
In the first case we would have to admit that we are not able to control everything as the scientific propaganda would like. A small virus can create the chaos at global level.
In the second scenario we would have to admit that our will of power can take us to a catastrophe.
Whatever the cause is, the consequence is a general panic and fear which will allow The Power to increase digital control. People will willingly give up freedom in exchange of safety. Another consequence is that big financial institutions will take advantage of economic recession buying assets cheaply.
The only hope is that some people will understand the importance of spiritual development, the importance of social interaction, the fact that we are in relation with the environment, that we cannot control everything, the danger of our will of power.