Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The Church and the Environment

Pope Francis has recently said that God created nature which should be taken care and not destroyed by us humans. However it is written in the Bible that Man is at the centre of creation and must dominate on everything else. It is also written that Man was created at God's image and it has been interpreted as superior to any other living being.
He is trying to change this interpretation following Saint Francis but I think it will take a lot of time, if ever possible, to consider all beings as equal as humans because we are all part of the same Whole, or all creations of God as some religions say.
Only then we might come up with an ethic that consider nature worthy. But even now we should realize that we are destroying the planet and we are going too far. I fear that it will soon be too late! 

The Being as possibilities

If we look at Being as a static object we could assume that we could grasp a kind of truthful principle that might explain how the universe works. However we can also think Being as infinite equal possibilities, the ones that materialize and the ones that don't.
If we imagine and think Being as such it would not be possible to grasp, calculate, control or manipulate everything as we would always be subject to the unknown.
This has a great ethical implication, we can and we should know more but we will never get to know everything and there will always be a possibility which we did not considered and had not the chance to control. 
However this does not imply that we are free to create reality which instead comes from the Being.
Freedom can only be assumed but not demonstrated.  

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Can we explain the mystery with a mathematical formula?

Some scientist think that everything can be explained with a short mathematical formula. When the universe was born, how life started, how the universe works, how our mind works, etc..., anything can be reduced to a formula. Beneath this there is the idea that we can grasp the mystery of life and that it can be calculated and put under control. But can we really reduce mind and life to a mathematical formula? Can we really put ourselves at the very beginning?
Why cannot we accept that we are limited beings within the infinite? Of course we can try to explain as mush as possible but we will always get to a point where we run out of words, where we face the abyss. Then we must let it go and abandon to the mystery.