Monday, 6 April 2015

Freedom: less work, more free time.

John Maynard Keynes thought in the '30s that by the end of the 20th century we would need to work only 2-3 hours per day thanks to the technological advancement. He could say that as he presumably believed that man can control and guide technology. Has this happened?
No, because once we enter in this system we end up being dominated by what we created.
We believe in progress, we hope that technological advancement will solve our problems and anguishes. We even think that one day we could be able to overcome death!
We are so caught up in this scenario of illusions that we are not able to use technology to work less and have more free time to do what we want. On the contrary we create more needs and cages for ourselves.
The only way to get out of this vicious circle is to acknowledge that we are limited, destined to live very shortly. Maybe then we would stop running after those dreams and appreciate free time in our lives. We also need to reconnect with nature, with our roots, reduce our needs to a minimum. In that way we could save the planet and ourselves.
Finally I want to finish with a phrase by Jose' Mujica ex president of Uruguay: "freedom is to have free time to do what you want". I think it is the best definition of freedom.